
Custom Online Classes

Create customized virtual classes for your child and their friends (or you and your friends).

Gather a group of your child's friends and create a private online class that will be held via Zoom. You may choose if you want the class to focus on painting, drawing, collaging, 3D artwork, or a variety of art techniques like our typical classes.

Prices are $30 per student per class with a minimum of 4 students. Each family will need to buy the supplies necessary for each class. Groups can be anywhere from 4-16 students. Each group must run for a minimum of 6 classes to create a customized class.

A group can have any start date and end date, as long as there is a teacher available. Our teachers' schedules fill up quickly, so reserve a class time and day early. You may need to book a teacher 2 months in advance to get the time that you want.

Use the link below to email us with days and times that you are interested in and details about your class.